Inception phase of a sustainable model for promoting environment by promoting green energy and positively affecting energy costs in rural areas of Pakistan. (Phase II)
Inception phase of a sustainable model for promoting environment by promoting green energy and positively affecting energy costs in rural areas of Pakistan. (Phase I)
Project Title
Youth Entrepreneurial and Skill Development Project
United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
10 months - Starting from August 2014 till June 2015
Geographical Coverage
Four target districts of Southern Punjab (Bahawalpur, Lodhran, Muzaffargarh and Multan)
The project aims to prevent marginalized youth groups from adopting violent/extremist tendencies by providing them with employable skills and facilitating them in securing funds for entrepreneurial ventures. To achieve this, it is proposed to enhance youth entrepreneurial capacity by developing their livelihood skills, providing business orientation, increasing personal motivation and facilitating their access to business loans provided by Prime Minister’s Youth Business Loans Program.
To provide livelihood opportunities to youth groups by providing them employment skills and preparing them to secure investment under available loan schemes and implement their business ideas.
To build the capacity of the youth for self-employment that would decrease unemployment and under-employment.
To create opportunities for economic growth that would reduce the influence of extremist organizations on the youth.
Direct Expected Outputs
401 individuals (270 males and 131 females) trained in business skills
40 unskilled, educated youth (28 males and 12 females) trained in their chosen skill
40 unskilled, uneducated individuals (28 males, 12 females) trained in their chosen skill
80 females trained in their chosen vocational skills by PBM
Increased level of motivation among 264 youth (165 males and 99 females)
964 loan applicants (576 males and 388 females) facilitated