Syed Adnan Shah is a seasoned professional with over 20
years of experience involving governance reform (including
e-governance solution and public safety), corporate and
public sector development, capacity building, monitoring
and evaluation, project management, research and
development, team building and policy advocacy, at the
local, provincial and national levels. He has gained
significant experience by managing programs funded by a
host of international donors including DFID, UNDP, The
Kingdom of Netherlands, USAID, World Bank, Norwegian
Embassy, JICA and CIDA. Among Other appointments, Mr. Shah
also worked as a Focal Advisor with National
Reconstruction Bureau, Prime Minister's Secretariat. Mr.
Shah is associated with Devolution Trust for Community
Empowerment from June 2011. During his tenure he has
enhanced and executed the DTCE Police-Community Relations
Program (PCRP) in Baluchistan and Malakand Division,
Khyber Phuktunkhwa (KP) with more than satisfactory
results. In addition, Mr. Shah has been responsible for
the 'Strengthening Rule of Law, Malakand' and assisted in
the Citizen Voice Project.