Information, Monitoring and Evaluation (IM&E)
The main objective of the DTCE IME system is to collect
authentic data relevant to local governments and civil
society, to generate statistics and analyze data from the
operational information systems for aid to DTCE planning,
execution and evaluation for the promotion of community
empowerment at the local level. The DTCE Information,
Monitoring and Evaluation (IME) system provides relevant,
accurate, timely, and reliable information that is
continuously updated. It develops a two-way flow of
information from and to various actors and stakeholders. IME
also outsources the tasks of reporting filling, revision,
and collection to contracted Civil Society Organizations
(CSOs) at district level. This strategy also compliments
DTCE's vision of enhanced community participation,
empowerment, and citizen ownership. DTCE IME-CSOs collects
and analyzes data essential for the promotion of community
empowerment as well as evaluation of any mobilization
campaigns. The responsibilities of the IME-CSOs are Ground
Assessments, Documentation of the Orientation Meetings of
Union Officials and local organizations and Evaluation of
Capacity Building Events.